Friday, February 29, 2008

Goodnight dear!

Mika itu suka ngulur2 waktu kl mau tidur,
masuk kamar jam 8 dengan tujuan supaya dia tidur jam 9, bisa molor sampe jam 10.

Alesannya banyak.

1. Main lego- bawa beberapa aja, buat temen tidur

2. Minum susu - setelah itu kumur air putih- sementara mata bo-nyoknya udah 5 watt

3. Baca buku satu- bisa sampe 5 buku sebenernya

4. Dengerin musik- bisa sampe kelar 1 cd full

5. Nyanyi.. , nyanyian apa aja dia suka nyanyiin sembari berbaring ditempat tidur, ngaco2an gitu, dari lagu 'kapal api' yang liriknya bisa brubah2 jadi ke lagu 'becak', sampe lagu2 dadakan yang diciptain sendiri

kadang mau marah jadi ketawa.

semua artikel di majalah parenting yang dulunya saya pikir mengada2 sekarang jadi masuk akal.

Mika like to extend bedtime.
If we going to the bedroom at 8 o'clock, it could end up at 10.

With many excuses of course, you can choose one of the listed below
1. Playing Lego, just a few Lego, for a companion..
2. Milk, after that water
3. One book please- well- actually it will take about 5 books
4. Music, music, the whole cd
5. Singing, she love to sing silly thing, a combination of song lyric will do :)

Makes me laugh of course.
And all the theory about parenting that I used to think it was silly, will becoming more, and more logical.
And it is nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh what a sweet little illustration. Seems like you and your daughter have a wonderful relationship and have a lot of fun together. That's such a precious thing.