I found this old piece yesterday when organizing my old documents and old stuff, and it's really interest me to look at this old piece of drawing. The 1st one is my old water color drawing back in 1993, a fairy drawing.
I write the quotation about fairy on the top right side, it is said " Every time someone said that there's no fairy, there will be one fairy who falling and die.."
using a calligraphic pen, we use to have a writing class using calligraphic pen, and I confess that I get a bad results in this class, as you can see ...
I remember copying the models from a fashion magazine, and add the background as if she's in the fairy forest, and thought that my watercolor drawing skill is now decreasing hehehe... yes to much tools can drop your manual skill. Gotta exercising more! *_*
And this one back in 1961,
this is where I get my talent in drawing, this is my father sketch, he's awesome skill in sketch always envying, look at the strokes and line, I couldn't get all that power in all my drawing, different style I guess :) love it!!. He also love doing Chinese Calligraphic, I will post it if I could find his piece.. :)
just click the pic to see more details, enjoy!
These are beautiful, Gina! I love your fairy!
Your fairy is enchanting. It's great to see the evolution of your art.
Your father's painting is beautiful too! I really like how confident his line and wash is, and his colors as well. Beautiful!
Wow, gorgeous work. Your right, your father's work is dramatic, powerful. Yours is sublte, but equally beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Indeed your father is very talented!
His drawing of Banana trees make me miss home so much!
Your water color fairy is so Sharpe, the hand and facial expression is gorgeous!
jadi babe yang jago gambar na? kewreeeen...
liat gambar fairy lo, jadi kangen jaman kuliah..:)
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