What would you do if you have 3 ongoing parallel project..? *_*
I'll wish for a long holiday at the farm, with no disturbance, a lot of animal friend and family, like this.., and then when I get back all the project has been done. Click. Just like that.
Oh well! Quit that dream and get back to work! make priorities- Go!Go! Go!
yeah, banyak kerja tapi jadi banyak income kan? hihi... sepadan deh.
kalo kita dikasih 3 projek barengan, yah nunggu mba gina bangun aja deh, kita tidur dan pas bangun... klik... udah dikerjain...
Great colors, and a downright fun piece! Makes me smile and want to take a walk through the fields...
haha berenti ngelamun! :D
eh gin udah bikin conto spread..? (perasaan pertanyaannya itu mulu) :D
migo: wah I wish it was that easy! hehe
ella: belom laa, haha.. kumaha engke we lah, mgkn 2 minggu lagi ye..? :D
This is a sweet farm, Eugenia :)
gin, kemaren ke gramedia, iseng liat disney junior, eh ada si ayam inihhh.. hihihi..
Adorable as always. It's been great, over the past two years watching your work get stronger and stronger. Simply brilliant!
Haven't been blogging much lately, but when I heard about the earthquake in your neck of the woods, I got concerned and wanted to check in! Hope all is well!
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