Miss Bear and Mr Bunny are best friend. They always feel warm when they are together.
* this is an experiment doodle using a flowing ink, if you know what I mean :)
First you make a path using a water with your brushes, then add the color while the path is still wet, the result is unpredictable, I've seen some artist using this technique but I forget their names.
Try it! It's fun!
you are very talented Gin :o)
yeah i did it too before. This is so cute! ^^*
Great job, great work for the subject, me gusto tu tecnica.
wooo! *langsung pengen coba*
lucu banget Giiiin! eh aku blm maju2 lagi ini projectnya huhuhuhuh bener2 professional procrastinator :((
nice technique...very cute!
Delightfully appealing creatures.
These guys are great, brought an instant smile to my face.
love your illustration! I just want to hug both of them ><
These turned out really well. Shall try that technique soon.
loveable characters!!
Great illustration! I love your style.
I always like this kind of style in using colors..very nice:)
Very nice! I like the technique.
Great technique and adorable illustration!
Gorgeous. The characters are ethereal, made of clouds. Really beautiful. I love the technique and style.
Gina, I've given your blog an award, please check on my blog to collect it :o)
thanks Liaaa ^_^!!
yak betul, fun-nya cat air disituh ituh!
this is so sweet and lovely!!! :D
Really cute! Love the style.
Wow, great work! They have so much personality already. Cool!
The more unpredictable, the more fun you get....but sometimes it became the more confused and ended up in the dustbin...hahaha....good work, Gin!
Such a fun technique. Really fun!
Beeuuh... suka sekali yang ini... bener-bener tehnik yang sangat intuitif, dan hasilnya ngga keduga, tapi memang keunikannya disitu kali yaaa.. wah kapan-kapan harus coba nih... hihihii... kalo boleh usul, postingkan tutorialnya dong, step by stepnya gitu.. heuheuheu... (ngarep)
bagus gambarnya...
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