Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sticker book project

btw. that's not a nude lion :).
There'll be a sticker of his full uniform on the real book heehe...

Sorry for the annoying watermark, recently there's some irresponsible people who took my work without permission. Shame on you!

Sticker book for children. Commision project for Erlangga.


Momo said...

Your work is cute and very adorable as usual. Love the skeleton. :-)

ch said...

waaaaa lucuuuu...ini udah ada di toko buku kah mbak Gina? ^^


wah, ada yg ngambil gambar lagi, gin? labrak!

theartofpuro said...

The work is great!Blame on the people that stolen your works!

Eugenia Gina said...

momo, monica: thank you dear! :)
cecil:belumm, baru kelar cil.. nanti aku kbr2i ya kl udah terbit
ella: haha, sabar2, yg kmrn itu kok, bikin orang jd super hati2 jadinya.. :) seubeul nya'

Alicia PadrĂ³n said...

It's beautiful!!! :o)


Lutu na...kabar2i ya Gin kalau sudah ready di toko! anak2ku suka banget stickers!!

Eugenia Gina said...

Thank you Aliciaa ! :D
Alice: pasti bu, nanti aku kabar2i yaa

sketched out said...

What a fun project! Love it! I know what you mean about people taking your art. Good for you for watermarking it.

Unknown said...

So colorful and charming!!

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

Oh my goodness. That must be the cutest police station and criminal ever :-) I'm sorry to hear about people taking your art! Good for you for protecting it.