At last I'd finished the Mandy series. Hurraay! This is the fourth cover from the book, titled
Grandma, Arisan and Lion-like hair.Arisan: (*regular social gathering whose members contribute to and take turns at winning an aggregate sum of money)Still 2 series to come, I'll show it later after my editor finalize it.
And yes, my tablet is off, spill some Orange juice on it, and after 2 months it finally cannot be used anymore. Sigh.. well let's look at the bright side, at least I have an excuse to buy Intuos 4 then.. Bye bye baby.. :P
Nice Gin ... is the book out at the bookstore yet?
udah Li, yang nomor 1-3 udah bisa dibeli di gramed :))
Lovely!Great work!
Wow congrats! :D Your drawings are wonderful as always :)
i swear dulu pernah komen di post ini... kok ilang ya. :((
hihi sempet baca jg kayaknya, apa kelupaan keapus ya la.. :D
Congratulations on finishing your series. Looks fantastic! I also enjoyed your seven day graphic diary. What a great idea! I like the way you arranged everything, you have a great sense of design.
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