Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Books- Ketahuan! Gotcha!

One of my favorite books that I've made so far.

The story is about a little girl who always hear 'something' at night, and she's sure that it was her toys that making that strange noises.

It's a rather classical story for me,
who never dreaming about an alive toys, dolls, or stuffed animals? And as we grow older the imagination 'Puff!'- gone!
 anyway, I love this kind of story, always.. :)


theartofpuro said...

Congrats!It looks great!

Dita said...

bukunya mbak ya, aku punya satu buat adikku, creative banget mbak

Eugenia Gina said...

waah! thank you udah beli, moga2 adiknya suka yah.. anakku suka nanya2, bonekanya bener2 bisa hidup atau ngak.. :D