Friday, March 11, 2011

Practice in life

rolling.. rolling .. rolling...
♪ ♫ music playing..
rolling.. rolling .. rolling...
♪ ♫ music again.. ♪ ♫


:: You know, when you put your child into a music lesson,  there's a few consideration that a parents should anticipate, mind about the imperfect noise, what I mean is the up and down of mastering one song into another, the skill of how you encourage your children even when you know that the difficulties is beyond your skill, but bettween the process we both learn a lot about life, of how you get the perfection on every note and on the next second it's just slipped like that.. we did that in life too, and we all just have to practice too.. a lot :)

:: Meet the second artist, Blackie aka Siitem :D


ch said...

hahahahahaha ci ini lucu bangetttttt bisa pas gitu musiknya mulai, si item mulai menggelinding, dan pas musiknya brenti, dia juga brenti nabrak bangku huahaha *laikkkk*

Eugenia Gina said...

heheheh, untungnya juga si mika cuek, yg item gelinding2 dia lanjut aja terouuss... pdhal lumayan berisik

audelia agustine said...

waah kereeen bisa main biola mika...! bagus lagunya, joyfull joyfull? *korban sister act saya*

ci gina, konsep videonya lucuuu.. si marmut roliing rolling. apa hamster?

Eugenia Gina said...

itu gak dikonsep padahal, kebetulan aja si item iseng lagi aktif gitu, hamster tuh di :D

Amreta said...

Hiii mbak Gina, baru lihat, Mika jadi ya main biola ya :-))

Eugenia Gina said...

amreta, iyaaa.. hihi, nanti kl perlu saran aku tanya2 ke kamu yaah :D