Sunday, October 4, 2009


I can't help to feel down.

after read the news in CNN that maybe 4000 people still buried inside the falling building and houses in Sumatra. This is the link, and please help if you could. the Indonesian Red Cross:

Sumatera Earthquake Donation

BCA KCU Thamrin Bank Account
Number: 206.300668.8,
Kantor Pusat PMI (Indonesian Red Cross Office)
And via Bank Mandiri KCU Jakarta Krakatau Steel
Account number: 070-00-0011601-7
Account name Palang Merah Indonesia.


ataedun said...

SYukur sudah berkirim uang walaupun tidak banyak.
Hasil patungan dengan teman-teman tim Futsal.

theartofpuro said...

I feel sad too,sometimes we don't understand why things like ths happens!We can only prey for their souls

ch said...

baru liat yang ini...uh jadi sedih lagi :(

eh btw mbak Gina, blog mu aku link boleh ya...*norak baru bikin blog* hehehehe :D