This is why- I've told you- I love mailman :)
:: Early Christmas books from Dian, a fellow writer, I was planning to save this for Christmas, but anyway.. why not having a little touch of Christmas now!
Thanks Dian!

:: And a swap picture books from Cecil, with a tiny cute Nekobus and a Ghibli CD songs!
I'm gonna play the CD while working and I'm sure I will get a lots of ideas by hearing some songs from Ghibli.. Thanks Cil!

hihihih yuk kapan-kapan swap lagi ci, setelah kericuhan pameran berakhir XD
iih kalian swap ga ngajak-ngajakk :((
hihi, yang kedua la, mau yuuk swap? kmrn tu dah keburu abis dibagi2 ke ponakan2!
yang butterflymu aku mauuuu, simpenin yaah la ^-^
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