It is raining everyday, 3 days since we're feeling the warmth of the sun. or 4 days? it just blurred my mind,
funny isn't it , when it's too hot we want the rain to come, and when it's raining we beg for Mr. sun to shine.. well that's what I'm feeling right now :)
:: Still we managed to do some activity, 2 days ago we catch a few bug, and draw it- and it is difficult to draw them, always walking- hopping, and after examine them for a while we set them free- inside the house hehe.., and you know, it is good to see such a little creature hopping inside your house, amazing.. like welcoming in a little guest, and we surely have fun with them :)
:: And do some signature on the cement with charcoal, when it's possible and dry enough
One side is mom and dad section, the other is grandma and Mika
:: And these is taken on December when the beautiful Mr. Sun appears for a while, that what we're longing for, may it brighten up our day :)
iya dingin banget nih, dari kemaren ujan ga brenti. yang 'flawed' itu bukan buat buku gin, emang buat IF aja. soalnya ini pake kertas bagus, jadi ga mungkin buat kerjaan. ya kalo ilustrator dibayar mahal sih gapapa pake kertas bagus.. hahaha sayang juga ya sebenernya.:(
bugsnya lucu bangets.....btw, gin, lu bisa ngga bantuin ngeformat blog gua...karena yang gua sekarang itu kan bukan yang standard, pengen ganti2 banner nya, tapi ngga
ella; taah, itu tu kendala dari dulu, kl mau disubsidi kertas dari penerbit ya la hehehe!
Ria: nanti diajarin hehe, belajar html dikit2 ya!
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