3 stories about a boy named Dahlan, actually it's the real childhood stories of Bapak Dahlan Iskan, the Indonesia's Minister for State-owned enterprises.
It's about his experience as a poor farmer boy, finding his way to get out from his condition, a heart warming stories that remind us to accept life what ever condition we've been given to , but also to be smart and find our own way to break through to find a better life, and respect it.
Kriuk! Perut Dahlan semakin lapar. Dia menatap meja makan dengan nanar. Di sana tidak ada sedikit pun hidangan.Sedari pagi Dahlan belum makan.
:: This one is the inside page from the first book, Dream Shoes.
Kriuk! Perut Dahlan semakin lapar. Dia menatap meja makan dengan nanar. Di sana tidak ada sedikit pun hidangan.Sedari pagi Dahlan belum makan.
Rumble! Dahlan’s getting hungrier. Dahlan hazily stares at the dining table. There isn’t even a bit of food to ease this hunger.
Since this morning Dahlan hasn’t found anything to gobble.
:: This one is the inside page from the first book, Dream Shoes.
Congratulations:) The illustrations are amazing:)
Hi Monica, thank you so much :D
Hi, mba gina.. I like ur design pretty much ;) and i know u from mba cecil.. Mba gina, aku pengen email2an deh sm mba.. Krn aku pengen nanya2 ttg design mba gina. Boleh ngga mba gina? Krn aq ada rencana mau design bbrp stuff buat nikahan aku mba gina. Really wish u would share ur email or other contacts spy aq bs hbgin mba gina. Please please for thousand times :)
hai Maurine, thanks sebelumnya ya, boleh dong ini contact saya: eugeniagina at yahoo dot com, silakaan :))
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